
Creative is Intellgence Work

What's happened to me.he thought. It wasn't a dream. His room, a proper human room although a little too small,
lay peacefully between its four familiar walls.

An intuitive web-based report writer, built with intelligent questioning to generate a report and csv as per the MOJ, UK guidel
A job portal is created for one of our clients in the UK. The client runs a successful recruitment agency and was facing issues
A comprehensive E-portfolio integrated with Institute ERP Systems.Logmate is a one stop solution to assist tr
One of our client, a marketing agency in UAE asked us to develop their website. The problem client had was sharing their portfo

XERO Integration

May 11, 2019
A client portal to keep track of all client invoices and payments. Integration of XERO in the flow, the project features,
A web based case management system for mediators to keep all their cases secured and accessible anytime/anywhere with few c